
Criminal Law Answer Framework


The purpose of this key note is to guide candidates through the issues to consider and the required steps to answering the Criminal Law NCA questions. The author provided an analysis of some sections in the criminal code as contained in the NCA syllabus. Please note that the offence sections are not and cannot be exhaustive as the idea is for you to be able to conduct an analysis of any such section independently having understood the elements of the criminal and regulatory offence. The defence sections however are exhaustive and the author provided analysis of all statutory defences and common law defences listed in the syllabus. Some topics are also summarized for your quick reference. For a faster checkout process, we recommend that you make payment by credit card and the notes will be immediately available for download.

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The purpose of this key note is to guide candidates through the relevant issues to consider and the required steps to answering the Criminal Law NCA questions. Recognising the importance of time management and emphasising the use of IRBAC (Issues, Rules, Burden of Proof, Application & Conclusion), the Framework has been designed to help candidates succeed in the examinations as it contains a step-by-step analysis of the vital and popular NCA exam questions ranging from offences, defences, procedure, police powers and sentencing.
The Framework is divided in 5 parts for your convenience-
Part 1 reviewed some of the criminal law offence sections in great deal as well as an approach to answering a regulatory offence question.
Part 2 focused on defences and provided an analysis of all the statutory and common law defences mentioned in the syllabus.
Part 3 outlined the criminal procedure and reviewed topics like preliminary inquiry, pre-trial motions and trial within a reasonable time.
Part 4 explored topics like Bail and Police Powers – it provides a comprehensive analysis of Sections 8, 9 & 10 of the Charter as well as the remedial provision as contained in s. 24(2) of the Charter.
Part 5 deals extensively with sentencing.


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