The National Committee on Accreditation portal for Exam time allocation is now open for candidates to reserve examination time.
IMPORTANT: You must reserve a start time for your August online exam by Noon (Eastern Canada) July 30th, 2020. There are multiple start times available for both morning and afternoon sessions. The start times are assigned on a first come, first serve basis, so please indicate your preference as soon as possible.
To reserve your start time, please check your email for the link as soon as possible.
The NCA online exams are only available on the following dates:
August 13 |
Evidence | Contracts |
August 14 |
Family | Property |
August 17 |
Remedies | Canadian Professional Responsibility |
August 18 |
Torts | Foundations of Canadian Law |
August 19 |
Business Organizations | Canadian Constitutional Law |
August 20 |
Civil Procedure | Canadian Administrative Law |
August 21 |
Commercial Law Taxation/Trusts |
Canadian Criminal Law |
Despite the switch to online delivery, some characteristics of the NCA exam are unchanged. They are long response form, and they are open book. Only hard copy study materials will be permitted; you will NOT have access to electronic copies of your notes or textbooks.
To help NCA candidates’ transition to typed online long form examinations, the NCA will allocate an extra hour, or four (4) hours in total, for completion of each exam. This extended time applies ONLY to NCA examinations written in July and August 2020.
Please note that any form of scanned document or photograph attachment will NOT be allowed. Only responses to exam questions entered using a keyboard will be considered as an answer.
Prior to the August exam period, the NCA will also provide access to an online demonstration site of the exam formats and presentation, to provide you with the opportunity to experience the online environment.